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About SAS


 The Sangamon Astronomical Society is a registered not-for-profit organization dedicated to raising the public’s awareness about the science of astronomy and to increasing the interest of astronomical science to education in the Springfield area.  We aim our telescopes and intentions on developing friendships based upon a hobby that engages the mind and raises the appreciation of the universe around us.  S.A.S. origins date back to 1953 when six local amateur astronomers decided to formally organize and offer regularly scheduled public meetings.

       The S.A.S. is a member of the Astronomical League, a national association of member societies that all have the same mission – to promote the science of astronomy in the community.  The Astronomical League is made up of over 200 member amateur organizations from the United States and individual members-at-large from around the world.

       Sangamon Astronomical Society is also proud to be a member of the Night Sky Network, an educational outreach program sponsored by NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratories and the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.  The purpose of this program and one of the functions of our organization as well, is to make public observing nights available for the public and area school programs introducing the night sky and astronomy to those interested.



Membership Application Form


President          Bernd Estabrook

Vice President  Don Walker

Treasurer          John Myers


Board Member    Dan Payne

Board Member    Larry Trutter

Board Member    Alan Jedlicka

"Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives." - Socrates

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